Regardless of your lifestyle, natural gas is an essential part of it. Whether you’re passionately devoted to your dog, love winter grilling, enjoy running or indulge in TV marathons, we’re here for you. We’re committed to ensuring you have safe, reliable natural gas so you can keep doing whatever it is you do.
However, when conditions take a turn for the worse, our dedication becomes even more crucial. In times of extreme weather and emergencies, Nicor Gas employees don't hesitate to head straight to the front lines. Day or night, they work tirelessly to guarantee the continuous delivery of clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy. When hazardous weather strikes, we go out so others can come in. Always prepared, compassionate and ready, we're here for you – ensuring your energy needs are met, no matter the circumstances.
Always Here
Prepared for any challenge, as winter arrives, the dedicated team at Nicor Gas stands ready to confront subzero conditions, ensuring the safety and warmth of our customers. As a subsidiary of Southern Company Gas, we recognize the significance of sustaining gas service crucial to the well-being and comfort of our customers.
“The reliability and affordability of clean, safe natural gas extend beyond comfort; it is often vital for sustaining life,” stated Wendell Dallas, president and CEO of Nicor Gas. “With winter on the horizon, our crews will courageously venture into the harsh elements, working tirelessly around the clock to ensure an uninterrupted flow of gas to our customers.”
Reflecting on our experience during the polar vortex of 2019, when extreme windchill and subzero temperatures prevailed, we accomplished a remarkable feat by delivering a record-breaking 4.8 billion cubic feet of natural gas to our 2.3 million customers across Northern Illinois. This marked the single largest delivery in Southern Company Gas’ history, surpassing previous records set during the 2014 polar vortex.
“Our employees are well-prepared in advance, proactively deploying staffing and resources to critical locations ahead of a storm,” emphasized Dallas. “Their commitment to safely serving customers quickly during challenging conditions demonstrates their readiness to serve at all times.”
Nicor Gas places the safety of its crews at the forefront during cold spells. Stringent measures are in place to ensure they are never alone, especially during night shifts, with crews watching out for each other and maintaining open communication with dispatch. Equipped with industry-leading safety training, tools and resources, our crews adeptly respond to the most severe cold weather situations.
Affordable natural gas supply is another pivotal consideration, with Nicor Gas utilizing underground storage units to offer safe and reliable natural gas service. This strategic storage enables us to procure gas when prices are typically lower and store it for later use, thereby ensuring a dependable supply and passing the resulting savings on to our customers.
Like frontline heroes nationwide, Nicor Gas’ crews are dispatched around the clock, regardless of weather conditions, to guarantee the uninterrupted delivery of clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy. In emergency situations, they work tirelessly to monitor the infrastructure, ensuring the safe performance and reliability of natural gas – just as they do each day.